Roundup of the latest work done in the marketing department of the company I currently work for: mainly product videos made using solidworks visualize for the 3D animation part, and adobe aftereffects for text animation and other video elements.
As for the documentation part, it is mainly product sheets and other technical documentation, made using InDesign and Illustrator.
The projects made for social publications: LinedIn and Instagram. For the images the software used was Photoshop, for the textual part I made use of ChatGPT.
Finally, I made some mini-sites dedicated to online columns for the company to share through very short sentences. The sites are made with wordpress, a platform that I also used to make information request and registration forms entirely made and managed by me.
Made using solidworks visualize for the 3D animation part, and adobe aftereffects for text animation and other video elements.
As for the filming, I did it with company-owned IPhone 14.
Every part of this video, is edited and realized by me. The music are free, downloaded online.
Mainly product sheets and other technical documentation, made using InDesign and Illustrator.
Mainly for LinedIn and Instagram. For the images the software used was Photoshop, for the textual part I made use of ChatGPT.
Mini-sites dedicated to online columns for the company to share through very short sentences. The sites are made with wordpress, a platform that I also used to make information request and registration forms entirely made and managed by me.